Monday, December 3, 2012

Goodbye, Hopes of Looking Half-Decent

That moment when you realize that for the next several months, you're just going to have to settle for looking like an inflated, unkempt version of yourself.

I hope my husband really loves me...I mean, REALLY loves me. Because the sexy version of his wife may not be returning for quite some time.

I don't mind gaining weight in my belly; in fact, it's fun and cute to have a little baby bump. But I'm not one of those women who miraculously looks exactly the same as she did pre-pregnancy, save for her bump. Oh no. I am quickly developing chubby fingers, thick thighs, back fat, lovehandles, and a double chin.

I am too inflexible to make a decent attempt at shaving my legs.

My blonde highlights have grown out so that I am a brunette on the top half of my head and a blonde on the bottom. It's really an unflattering look.

My face is sprinkled with blemishes, and concealer is no match for my under-eye circles.

Thank goodness I have a notoriously gassy black lab to blame things on, because my indigestion and gas are the polar opposite of sexy.

I no longer fit into my regular jeans, and my maternity jeans make me feel like I'm wearing a saggy diaper, so I've taken to wearing sweatpants at all times.

Hey, at least I have these giant boobs. I think in my husband's mind, they make up for a lot.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Clear Plastic Cup, I Can't Fill You Up

That moment when you're at the OB's office and the nurse demands that you pee in a cup, and even though you have to go ALL THE TIME every other moment of every day, you suddenly get stagefright and can't perform on command. 

This happens to me every single time I go to the doctor. I'm pregnant; you'd think I'd be able to pee at the drop of a hat. But for some reason, when I'm in that sterile little bathroom with the sanitizing wipes and plastic cups, hovering over the toilet with my hand so gracefully stuck through my thighs just waiting to get splashed, my bladder gets stagefright.

This time, I even brought a water bottle and chugged it on my way to the doctor's office. But to no avail...I was still locked in that bathroom for a good ten minutes, telling myself, "Come can do it!," as if I were Kerri Strug trying to win it all for the Americans.

My next appointment is my 20-week ultrasound, where I anticpate having the total opposite problem. They ask that you drink an obscene amount of water beforehand...something like 2 liters. This doesn't sound like a pleasant experience for anyone involved. I'm going to have to break the seal before the appointment even starts.

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pregnancy "Glow": A Huge Lie.

That moment when you start to suspect that the "pregnancy glow" is a mythical thing made up by people who have never been pregnant. 

My face is breaking out a la 1995, when I was fifteen and my skin care routine consisted of cheap makeup and Stridex pads. My eyes have impossibly dark circles underneath them, making me look like a sunken-eyed mummy just in time for Halloween. My skin is dry and itchy. I cannot color my hair, so my roots are now several inches long -- not a good look.

The LAST thing I feel is "glowing."

Seriously, I think the zits on my face are starting to form's a quick shot of the Big Dipper forming on my cheek. See what I mean?

I must not be the only pregnant women to feel less than glowing during the nine months. It makes me suspicious that "You're positively glowing!" is just a default thing people tell pregnant women so they don't end up inadvertently saying something like, "Oh my gosh, you're HUGE!" or "What do you have in there, a watermelon?"

Maybe with a good sugar scrub, I can coax this mythical glow out from the shadows. But for now, I'm spending a fortune on concealer.

Monday, October 22, 2012

An Ode to Caffeine

An Ode to Caffeine

It's Monday again
I'm pregnant and tired
Wanting "real" coffee
To be hopped up and wired.

I stare at the Keurig
It's gathering dust
On a day like today,
A caffeine high is a must.

I want to feel jitters
And that energy burst
Being stuck without coffee
Is simply the worst.

But I'll stick to the decaf
And hot chocolate and cider
While my baby grows healthy
And my belly grows wider!

Friday, October 5, 2012

If I have to wear anything but stretch pants, I'm not going.

That moment when you realize that your outfit options for the next six months consist of "stay-at-home" stretchy pants or the similar but slightly less stained and worn "going-out" stretchy pants, each paired with whatever sweatshirt or top will fit over your growing-by-the-second belly and boobs. 

I do own a pair each of maternity jeans and khakis. But as my belly takes over, I find that anything but yoga pants just doesn't cut it. The more stretch, the better. I never thought I'd seriously consider buying a pair of Pajama Jeans, but they're looking pretty good these days.

It's not uncommon that whenever faced with the prospect of going somewhere, my first thought is, "Can I wear stretchy pants there?" If the somewhere in question requires me to put on jeans or...eeek...actual pants....then chances are, I'm not on board.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Cake and Tater Tots

That moment when you abandon your good intentions for eating a healthy, well-balanced lunch, and instead find yourself hovering over the kitchen counter, eating tater tots and 4-layer cake with buttercream frosting. 

Here's the thing, though: it's not that I don't understand what is healthy and what is not. I know exactly what I should be eating to nourish myself and baby.

But baby won't let me. What to Expect says I should be eating whole grains, veggies, fruit, 75 grams (!) of protein per day, and plenty of water. But this tiny junk-food addict inside me demands salty, fatty, buttery, sweet food.

Before my pregnancy, I would eat a spinach salad with tomatoes, artichokes, carrots, feta cheese, and sunflower seeds for lunch. Now, the only way I can stomach the idea of eating spinach, or anything green for that matter, is to hide some in a smoothie. I can eat carrots....dipped in ranch dressing. I can eat tomatoes...if they are made into a sauce and put onto a cheesy pizza.

I'm hoping that when the first trimester fades into the second, I'll regain my appetite for foods that have some nutritional value. For now, I'll keep hiding spinach wherever I can, and I'll definitely make my husband take the rest of this layer cake to work with him tomorrow.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Most embarrassing purchase of my life.

That moment at Walmart when you realize you're going to have to make the most embarrassing purchase of your entire life. 

Self-checkout lanes, here I come. Really hoping I don't have to buy these items in combination again until at least 2055.