Sunday, November 4, 2012

Clear Plastic Cup, I Can't Fill You Up

That moment when you're at the OB's office and the nurse demands that you pee in a cup, and even though you have to go ALL THE TIME every other moment of every day, you suddenly get stagefright and can't perform on command. 

This happens to me every single time I go to the doctor. I'm pregnant; you'd think I'd be able to pee at the drop of a hat. But for some reason, when I'm in that sterile little bathroom with the sanitizing wipes and plastic cups, hovering over the toilet with my hand so gracefully stuck through my thighs just waiting to get splashed, my bladder gets stagefright.

This time, I even brought a water bottle and chugged it on my way to the doctor's office. But to no avail...I was still locked in that bathroom for a good ten minutes, telling myself, "Come can do it!," as if I were Kerri Strug trying to win it all for the Americans.

My next appointment is my 20-week ultrasound, where I anticpate having the total opposite problem. They ask that you drink an obscene amount of water beforehand...something like 2 liters. This doesn't sound like a pleasant experience for anyone involved. I'm going to have to break the seal before the appointment even starts.